The Royal Mail compensation scheme for postal workers injured in a dog attack only provides limited cover. Find out how you can claim full compensation.

The Royal Mail Dog Attack Compensation Scheme only covers limited lost earnings. To recover the full amount of compensation you deserve call our free legal helpline on  0333 888 0435 or email [email protected]

The Royal Mail compensation scheme

The Royal Mail Dog Attack Compensation Scheme covers postal workers for some of the earnings they lose as a result of a dog attack. However, the scheme does not pay compensation for the injuries you suffer or other financial losses you incur.

While the scheme can help some workers, especially where compensation from other sources cannot be recovered, it is subject to various conditions. For instance, there is a minimum one week period of absence from work before you can make a claim. The scheme also only covers up to a maximum of 13 weeks average earnings in total, with earnings for Christmas and other key periods being excluded from the average earnings calculation.

Are postal workers entitled to claim full compensation for a dog attack?

Yes. A postal worker, just like any other worker, is legally entitled to make a claim for full compensation if they have been the innocent victim of a dog attack.

Do postal workers have to make a claim through their union?

No. You are free to choose your own solicitor to make a compensation claim. This means that you can appoint one of our specialist dog bite lawyers. We are experts in this highly specialised area of law and have an impressive track record of success, recovering compensation where other lawyers have tried and failed.

We are recommended by The Legal 500, an independent guide to the legal profession, so you know that when you appoint us you will be in safe hands.

No Win, No Fee – Nothing for postal workers to pay

We work on a No Win, No Fee basis and as a special concession to the nation’s postal workers we do not charge any success fee when you win your claim. This means that if you appoint us to deal with your dog attack claim it will cost you nothing; win or lose.

How much compensation can be claimed?

There is no limit on the compensation that can be claimed. If your claim succeeds you will receive compensation for your injuries together with payment for your financial losses such as lost earnings and medication. We can even make a claim for the value of the care that is provided to you by your loved ones while you are recovering.

We are very proud of our track record of success and you can read all about some of our successes and the compensation we have recovered here. This includes:

How we can help postal workers achieve justice

For a free consultation about the compensation you are entitled to claim by contacting our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0435 or emailing [email protected]

Royal Mail Dog Attack Compensation Scheme