Been told you don’t have a case? Contact the experts for a second opinion on your dog bite claim.

Our team of expert dog bite lawyers are proud of their track record of success. They are particularly proud of their ability to succeed where other solicitors have failed.

Dog bite law in the UK is very complicated. This means that when solicitors who do not specialise in this area of law deal with a case, they often fail to present the case as strongly as they should. This can result in solicitors giving up on meritorious claims, with their clients not receiving the compensation they are entitled to.

You can read lots of case studies on this website where we have taken up claims that have previously been rejected, dropped and abandoned by other solicitors, and have gone on to succeed in recovering compensation.

For instance, you can read here about a courier who was told by his previous solicitors that he didn’t have a claim, but when he switched to ourselves we were quickly able to reach an out-of-court settlement.

Or you can read here about a child who was advised by two different firms of solicitors that there was no case, but who received £35,000 after he appointed us to deal with his claim.

Or read here about a 7-year-old whose claim was abandoned by his lawyers, but received compensation after his mother asked us to provide a second opinion.

So if you have been told by solicitors that you do not have a case, then contact the experts for a second opinion on your dog bite claim. You have nothing to lose by doing so as we provide a free case assessment service and are able to work on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Second opinion on your dog bite claim