Following the news that more than 10,000 dogs were dealt with by Welsh councils last year at a cost of £2 million-plus the RSPCA Cymru Dog Welfare Indicators Report has revealed that suggested plans to amend the leigislation on dangerous dogs and deal with irresponsible owners have the support of 84 per cent of the public. 82% of those asked also supported an annual compulsory dog registration scheme. The RSPCA want new laws to focus on prevention and  develop co-ordinated and targeted education programmes to assist in persuading owners of dogs to be responsible, and for dogs to be bred more responsibly.  Along with early intervention by enforcement agencies such changes would improve public safety and animal welfare  and also reduce costs. They also want the focus to be taken off specific breeds of dog taking the view that  “Regardless of its breed or type, any dog has the potential to be dangerous.” Annual registration would be welcomed by many of the victims who suffer personal injury as a result of dog bites and who are unable to recover compensation as owners cannot be traced.

84% support changes to Welsh dog laws
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